Clanstube Community

21. Dezember 2024 - 17:47

BF2 SF - Community Update #22-11-05

Battlefield 2In dem heutigen offiziellen BF2 Community Update berichtet EA über Account Probleme, die nach Installation des Expansionspacks BF2 Special Forces bei einigen Usern auftraten. Sie sind somit bemüht schnellstmöglich Abhilfe durch einen Hotfix Patch zu schaffen, welcher in Kürze folgen soll...

BF2 Community Members, we have discovered (as some of you have) an installation problem with a limited number of EA gamers who downloaded Battlefield 2: Special Forces through EA's Downloader. If your account is affected, you will see the following error when you try to install the expansion pack: “BF2CDKeyCheck.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.”
We apologize for this problem and are working quickly to resolve it. We will contact the gamers affected by this issue via email later today with a solution.

[Update] EA Downloader Fix released!

Diejenigen, die das BF2 Special Forces per EA Downloader bekommen haben und die o.g. Account Probleme haben können sie nun den vor ein paar Minuten veröffentlichten EA Downloader Fix saugen.

EA's Customer Service has been hard at work and have come up with a fix for the EA Downloader install problem for Battlefield 2: Special Forces. To obtain the fix (at least for those of you who didn't get an email from EA last night) visit the EA Customer Support web site and click on the "Ask a Question" tab.
Fill out the noted areas and click on "Submit Question". Our Customer Support department has put this issue on high-priority and should turn your email around quickly in order to get your game installed for the Holiday weekend. You can also call Customer Support directly and have them help you in real-time over the phone.

- Quelle


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