Clanstube Community

21. Dezember 2024 - 17:58

Neuer Editor im Anmarsch & ein neuer Patch?

Battlefield 2Auf der englisch sprachigen BF2-EA-Website lässt sich seit gestern das Community Update 11/30/05 finden. DICE und EA scheinen bereits schwer daran zu Arbeiten, uns ein weiteres Patch zu präsentieren. Dazu werden die internen EA-Foren gelesen und ausgewertet, um den Wünschen der Community nachzukommen. Schön liest sich auch das Versprechen, das EA mit 100%igem Einsatz daran arbeiten würde, BF2 zum bestmöglichsten Spiel werden zu lassen...

Neuer Mod Editor
Darüber hinaus wird es demnächst einen neuen BF2-Mod-Editor geben. Dieser wird zunächst in einer Beta-Version an ausgesuchte Mod-Teams verteilt. Dadurch kann DICE und EA erst mal Erfahrungen sammeln, diese korrigieren und ein paar Wochen später den Mod Editor der gesamten Community zur Verfügung stellen.

BF2 v1.12 Update
We at DICE and EA are committed to on-going support for Battlefield 2. We're pleased to see that so many of you are still playing the game on a regular basis and continue to support it and the community with some great mods and movies (We're big fans of the machinimas, so keep them coming guys, and MINE, you guys rock!).

We wanted to let you know that we're already hard at work on a post 1.12 update. While we can't go into details about it, yet, rest assured that we're checking the forums, listening to our customer support teams and working hard on the features that YOU'VE asked for. As soon as we can give more concrete details, we will. Just know that we're all 100% into making Battlefield 2 the very best that it can be.

Mod Tool Update
As part of our ongoing support for Battlefield 2 and the community, we're going to be releasing a new version of the Battlefield 2 Mod editor. This is a beta version of the editor and as such comes unsupported. However, we're sure you'll be happy with the additional functionality this tool provides for you eager modders.

We will be releasing the updated Mod Tool to a few individual Mod teams prior to getting it out to everyone else. This will be closely followed by a public release in a few weeks' time. We're really excited about being able to release this and look forward to seeing some great Mods out there.

The guys at DICE and EA

- Quelle


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