Clanstube Community

17. Januar 2025 - 01:54

Patch 1.05 offiziell angekündigt!

Battlefield 2142Vor kurzem hat EA den ersten Patch für Battlefield 2142 angekündigt. Das Update auf die Version 1.05 soll über 25 Fixes enthalten und wird warscheinlich noch im November erscheinen.

We would like to announce patch 1.05 for Battlefield 2142. The patch includes more than 25 fixes which will improve every player’s experience on the Battlefield. The following fixes will be included, along with many others:
* Titan will no longer be able to move once its shields are down, so that lag within the titan should be significantly reduced and revive inside the titan shouldn’t be a problem any more
* Changes in EA master server communication to greatly reduce disconnects
* Players are now able to receive the Titan Survival Pin
* All players will see the same missile silo location numbers in Titan Mode
Patch 1.05 is scheduled for release later in November...

- Meldung im EA-Forum


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