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21. Dezember 2024 - 18:06

DICE kündigt neue BF2 AddOn's an

Battlefield 2Dice Schweden kündigt heute in ihrer offiziellen Pressemitteilung neue AddOn's an. Nachdem laut DICE ein Spiel (BF2-SF) zum ersten Mal per Download zum Kauf angeboten wurde, und jeder zehnter Käufer dies auch tat, möchten die Schweden diese Buy-and-Download Möglichkeit forcieren. Geplant ist das nächste AddOn für Frühjahr 2006 und soll um die 10,- Dollar kosten. Enthalten soll es neue Maps, Waffen und Vehikel. Gespannt darf man sein, WIEVIEL Neues in den AddOn's stecken wird. Verglichen zum Preis von Euro 29,- bei BF2-Special Forces und der darin enthaltenen Anzahl neuer Maps, Waffen und Vehikel und dem angekündigten Preis von ca. 10,- Dollar für das neue AddOn dürfte dies gering ausfallen. Lassen wir uns überraschen.

Nun zur DICE-Pressemitteilung:

Digital Illusions’ expansion pack Battlefield 2 Special Forces was launched in the end of November 2005. This was the first product Electronic Arts sold directly to consumers over the internet.
The test was so successful that the PC game – another expansion pack to Battlefield 2 – planned for launch during spring 2006 now will be changed to booster packs to be sold online.

Every tenth copy of the expansion pack Battlefield 2 Special Forces was over the Internet, and the rest of the copies were sold to retailers. When games are sold online directly to consumers Digital Illusions earns more money per product than if they are sold through retailers.

We see online sales as a very interesting channel in the future. Digital Illusions work together with EA to find the best solutions that favours both the consumers and retailers, said Patrick Söderlund, CEO of Digital Illusions.

The Battlefield 2 expansion pack planned to be launched during spring 2006 is now replaced by two booster packs. The change means slightly lower project revenues during the fourth quarter 2005 than during the third, due to a lower development budget. The anticipation though is that this will be compensated by higher royalty revenues during the first six month 2006.

The expansion packs in the Battlefield series have new maps, vehicles and weapons. Each Battlefield booster pack will have new but fewer maps, vehicles and weapons. Instead they are sold to a lower price: 9.99 USD. An expansion pack is usually sold at between 19.90 USD and 29.90 USD. Today at least two Battlefield 2 booster packs are planned for spring 2006.

- Quelle


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